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Sash, Hat and Scepter

Posted on 06/13/24 in A Note from Kate Borders

Each year the Directors of all the University Circle institutions are invited to walk as a group in Parade the Circle. We arrive the morning of the parade and are given some sort of adornments that reflect the theme of the parade. Last year it was a smock that resembled a muumuu and had large sculptural insects attached to it. This year, a colorful sash with peacock feathers, a wooden scepter with yarn and jingle bells and a hat – I chose the pink hat. But I can’t speak to what happened outside of those two years, because I have now been in this position for exactly one year.

I have now completed one annual cycle as President of UCI, giving me perspective to build upon. Now each day will come with some understanding of how it happened last year. Example ~ last night was our first Wade Oval Wednesday concert, and I knew what to expect, I could use the lens of last year.

Perspective can be powerful. It gives us a reference of what has worked and what hasn’t, and it helps us avoid known pitfalls. With time comes historical insight which deepens our understanding. However, it can also be stifling. We can get stuck in “we tried that” doom loops. We might begin to take for granted the elements that are locally common but anywhere else would be extraordinary. And we might experience things with the haze of the history, which prevents us from letting go as change happens. For me, the lack of any personal historical knowledge the past 365 days has given me the ability to question everything and see opportunities everywhere.

My challenge moving forward, is to maintain my curiosity, my fresh lens, and the healthy part of being naïve, while I layer it with increased knowledge and experience. I deeply want to do right by this community. I want to use every moment of my tenure, however long it might be, to advance this extraordinary neighborhood respectfully.

My rearview mirror …

This has been an amazing year. Truthfully it has been equal parts exhausting and exhilarating, but it’s the tough days that make us appreciate they joyful ones. And make no mistake, there is nothing worth doing that doesn’t come with challenges.

First, I truly believe that people make the work happen. The past year we have built the team. We have elevated team members and we have brought on new team members that round out the richness of this team and complete the skillsets needed. Within the last year, our interim Chief of Police Tom Wetzel became permanent, and he has promoted within the force as well as added some very talented new officers. UCPD is striving for excellence with community-based policing at the center. We added two new senior leaders to our team, a Chief Marketing and Experiences Officer and a Chief Engagement and Collaboration Officer, and they are building their strategies.

Next, we took the time to define our values, redefine our mission and vision, and solidify our objectives. These foundational pieces are not as visible to the outside world, but they ground our work. Without a solid understanding of our “why,” we will always be less effective. With those in place, it is easy to see what work we should and should not pursue. Our objectives reflect what we heard from the community through nine months of meetings, interviews, focus groups and surveys.

Finally, we began marching toward our vision. Our three main priorities are the PEOPLE, the PLACE and the STORY. We began by shifting from Community Education as a department to Community Engagement. We will never stop doing education related work, but our new approach will be broader and include more community connections.

My front windshield …

In the next year, we will continue advancing on our priorities. First, with our newly formed Special Improvement District which takes effect January 1, 2025, we will have a more established funding source that provides greater stability to the future of UCPD. This ensures that we have a safe PLACE. Our goals within UCPD focus on training and officer wellness, a culture of excellence through a servant’s heart, and amplifying our community policing practices.

Next, we are embarking on a public realm master plan to better inform how we improve the PLACE. Good plans will provide a vision of what The Circle could be and allows us to seek funding to support that vision. All plans will have “baked-in” community engagement to ensure that the PEOPLE, both in the neighborhoods and our working partners, are guiding our plans.

We will be creating and executing new engagement and marketing strategies, to ensure that we are hearing from all voices as we design programs and sharing stories to grow our audiences. Our story is an invitation to join us and be part of this extraordinary place. University Circle will be a place where everyone should feel welcomed, be inspired, and feel belonging.

Finally, within the next year, we will be moving back into our renovated home on Magnolia. The restoration of our headquarters will create a place for community to be part of the work. It will be more than an office, it will house our vision and welcome neighbors and partners.

It was a great year and it will be another great year. I look forward to sharing new perspectives, while always staying curious and never losing my wonder. The Circle is extraordinary and we at UCI are passionate about preserving its treasures while making way for compelling new elements. And I’m excited to see what creative costume is in store for the Directors at the 2025 Parade the Circle.

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