01/24/25 - 01/24/25
CWRU's Martin Luther King, Jr. Conv...
Case Western Reserve University
Curbside and walk-up service will begin at select locations including the Martin Luther King Jr. Branch. Items must be reserved online at cpl.org or by phone with your Library card. Call ahead to schedule a pick-up time.
To pick up materials call the library upon arrival and be prepared to show your Library card or photo ID.
The mission of the self-titled "People's University" is to be the learning place for a diverse community, inspiring people of all ages with the love of books and reading, advancing the pursuit of knowledge, and enhancing the quality of life for all who use the library.
With 18,200 square feet, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch was conceived as a regional branch, four to five times larger than the size of a regular branch library. Mrs. Louise Bolden was appointed Librarian in charge of Martin Luther King, Jr.Branch when it opened in 1970. Mrs. Bolden built a collection of African-American books including history, biography, anthologies, literature, sociology, and reference material that was housed at the branch.
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