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Thousands enjoy CircleFest's atmosphere, activities to kick off winter

Posted December 04, 2011 in Articles

Author: John Caniglia, The Plain Dealer

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Christopher Kalra toted a block of ice this afternoon as if it were the neatest thing he ever saw. The frozen chunk, about as big as a nameplate, had the 7-year-old's name etched into it, and his eyes shone as he held it. The ice was sure to melt, but the traditions Christopher shared today will continue. The boy and his father, Varun, joined thousands of people at University Circle's 18th annual Holiday Circlefest, the area's kickoff to winter. "It's [about] 50 degrees, so it's pretty nice," said Varun Kalra, of Cleveland Heights. "It's beautiful."

Original Article: http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2011/12/thousands_enjoy_circlefests_at.html

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